Review guide

Everyone is different.

My reviews are based on my own tastes and preferences, which are likely different from yours. I’ve always hated looking at Yelp or Google food reviews, because five stars to one person may mean something completely different to another person. That’s why I’ve created this review guide, so that you can see the thinking behind my ratings and what they mean to me.

Hangry Alice rating scale:

1 - No bueno. Something bad happened here. Would not recommend this place to my worse enemy.
2 - Not good, but I also didn’t get food poisoning, so it’s edible. Wouldn’t recommend this to anyone, but would eat this if I was on a road trip and this was the only restaurant available for 100 miles.
3 - Eh. It was good but nothing special. Would recommend to some people if I know this is something they’d be really into. Would probably not go back unless I was in the area and this was the best option.
4 - Wow! Very good. Would come back, and would recommend this to most people.
5 - Ah. Ma. Zing. Would eat this every day if I could. Would recommend this to everyone and their sister. And brother. And mother. And dog.

Affordability rating scale:

Cheap - Dirt cheap, can eat every day, <$15 per person
Affordable - Can get a few times a week, $15 - $25 per person
Moderate - Can get maybe once a week or every two weeks, $25 - $50 per person
Fancy - Once in a while, $50 - $100 per person
Special Occasion - Special occasions (birthday, anniversary, etc.) only, prepare to hurt after this one

Note: This affordability rating scale has been developed based on Manhattan food prices and the typical salary of a twenty-something year old working a full time job in finance.